
About Alabama

Many place-names in the state are of Native American origin, including the name Alabama itself, which derives from the Choctaw language and is possibly translated to "vegetation gatherer," who were known to clear vegetation for agricultural purposes. Agriculture and forestry are two of the top industries with more than 43,000 farms spread throughout the state. Poultry has become a major farm product and the main commodities are cotton, peanuts (groundnuts), soybeans, and corn (maize). The yellowhammer state makes its mark nationally, ranking second in the country in broilers, catfish and quail.

The Tennessee River occupies the extreme northern part of the state. In northeastern Alabama the broken terrain of the southwestern fringe of the Appalachian Mountains begins and continues in a southwesterly progression across the northern half of the state. Below that the band of prairie lowland known as the Black Belt has rich soils that once cradled a rural cotton-producing way of life central to the state’s development.

Alabama is a great destination for hunting. There are over a million white-tailed deer in the state making it the most popular game animal to hunt. Eastern wild turkeys are also very popular including feral hogs, alligators, bobwhite quail, waterfow.

Alabama has abundant waterways for freshwater fishing and saltwater fishing opportunities along the coast. No matter what kind of fishing you enjoy, Alabama has it.

Fun Facts

  • The pecan is the Alabama’s official nut.
  • The first rocket to put humans on the moon was built in Alabama
  • Alabama became the first state to recognize Christmas as an official holiday in 1836
  • Alabama is the only state to have an alcoholic beverage as its official drink: Conecuh Ridge Whiskey.
  • It’s illegal to play dominoes in Alabama on Sundays.
  • 43% of all snails in the United States live in Alabama
  • Magnolia Springs is the only city in the United States where the mail is delivered completely by boat