
Ricky Gohmert

Supervising Broker - TX

Ricky Gohmert is a licensed real estate agent in Texas who specializes in selling farm and ranch properties. Ricky's experience over the last 20 years makes him a valuable asset to buying or selling land.

Licensed in State(s):
My Listings
Hayden Team

Ricky Gohmert

Supervising Broker - TX

Ricky Gohmert is a licensed real estate agent in Texas who specializes in selling farm and ranch properties. Ricky's experience over the last 20 years makes him a valuable asset to buying or selling land.

Licensed in State(s):
livestock rural residential hunting mineral rights waterfront water rights
My Listings

I was born and raised in Cuero, TX, “Turkey Capital of the World”, doing what I like to do most. Being with my family, raising cattle and doing all the hunting and fishing I can fit in.

I attended Victoria Jr. College and served in the Army National Guard all while working cattle for different cattle operations. I broke away from the cattle business for about 7 years working for Southern Pacific Railroad. I was promoted to District Manager over a terminal in Houston for about 4 years and as the saying goes, “you can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy”. So, I went back to my passion of ranching, started a dozer and fence building business, and into the real estate world.

In 1997, my wife Lindy, who was a co-owner of a real estate company, talked me into getting my real estate license and handling the farm and ranch properties for their company. In 2003, I became a broker and we started a farm and ranch realty company of our own, which we have truly enjoyed over the years.

Lindy and I are very active with our church and community activities. We have 3 children and 6 grandchildren, our pride and joy. I am a very avid hunter, fisherman and conservationist and I am extremely happy to be part of the Hayden Outdoors team!

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